UOITC President Represents the Ministry at the Nahrain Center for Strategic Studies Seminar on Social Networking Sites and Its Role in Promoting Violence

The President of the University of Information Technology and Communications, Dr. Abbas Mohsen Albakri, the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in the seminar organized by the Nahrain Center for Strategic Studies on Social Networking Sites and Its Role in Promoting Violence.
Al-Bakri participated in this seminar as an expert in the field of information technology and has a great experience in the field of websites.
Al-Bakri also accompanied by Dr. Ali Hassan Tarash and a large number of teachers and academics in the field of websites, Al-Bakri also gave some scientific interventions on the research papers presented in this symposium, which focused on the role of social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram etc) in promoting political, social and family violence and other negative points that can be exploited While some research papers dealt with the mechanism of combating sites that incite terrorism, violence, and suspicious sites.