The University of Information Technology and Communications held the Fourth Iraqi Virtual Forum for the Information Society, which coincided with the World Telecommunication and Information Society Day, under the slogan “The 2030 Connectivity Program: Information Technology and Communications for Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)”.
University’s president Prof. Dr. Abbas Mohsen Al-Bakri said during his speech at the forum
The University of Information Technology and Communications, by virtue of its specialization, has been holding the annual Information Technology and Communications Forum coinciding with the annual celebration of the International Telecommunication Union, which fell on May 17th, indicating that the spread of information technology and communications and global interconnection are indicators of accelerating progress and bridging the digital gap.
For his part, Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union, Houlin Zhao, called in a speech during the forum to participate in pushing forward the union’s 2030 connectivity program, and this program is a common global vision to bridge the digital gap and harness the potential of information technology and communications in support of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
He pointed to the necessity of coordination and redoubling efforts in order to connect everyone to the global digital economy, stressing the importance of harnessing information technology and communications in accelerating the pace of socially, economically, and environmentally sustainable growth and achieving comprehensive development for all everywhere.
The forum included 13 lectures presented by specialists in the field of development and information technology and communications from Iraq, Britain, and Canada, and focused on the role of information technology and communications in sustainable development in the shadow of the outbreak of the Corona epidemic.