After the success of the project to educate inmates in prisons .. Al-Bakri discusses with the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Justice the mechanisms for its perpetuation and expansion.

The President of the University of Information Technology and Communications , Prof. Dr. Abbas Mohsen Al-Bakri, received the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Justice for Administrative and Financial Affairs, Dr. Burhan Muzhir Al-Qaisi.

During the meeting, they discussed joint cooperation between the university and the Ministry of Justice and discussed scientific matters to complete the success of the University Education Center project, after completing the first course for inmates at the Karkh Central Prison.

The President of the University confirmed that: “The University of Information Technology and Communications , in cooperation with the Ministry of Justice, succeeded in completing the University Education Center project, which had its beginning in Karkh Central Prison, and this project is the first of its kind in Iraq.”

And Dr. Al-Bakri stated that: “The university is in the process of expanding this project and introducing other departments from the Faculty of Business Informatics at the university through which the project was launched, in addition to introducing the rest of the faculties and the Center for Continuing Education in the university for the sake of diversifying specializations in the service of the public interest.”
The president of the university pointed out that “the university education center needs great governmental efforts in order to make it more successful, as it is a national project that needs to be expanded and made a model in Iraq and the region.”
For his part, the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Justice for Administrative and Financial Affairs, Dr. Burhan Muzhir Al-Qaisi, confirmed that: “The Ministry of Justice is highly interactive for the success of the (University Education Center) project, as this project is a national task and not only the task of the Ministries of Justice and Higher Education, which it is hoped will transfer Iraq to Advanced ranks in the field of education and human rights in the region and the world.
Dr. Al-Qaisi indicated that “the Ministry of Justice is optimistic about the success of this project, and there are agreements to expand the university education center by increasing the scientific departments in the center and providing new halls with scientific specifications and according to the required standards. We are also working to invest the scientific competencies in the Ministry of Justice from those who hold higher degrees to engage them in this project and support them scientifically and academically.