The University of ICT celebrated World Information and Communication Society Day (WTISD).
The university organized the activities of the World Telecommunication and Information Society Day Forum, the slogan of which this year was (Digital Innovation to Achieve Sustainable Development), with the participation of a number of personalities interested in the world of information and communications.
The President of the University, Professor Dr. Abbas Mohsen Al-Bakri, said in his speech on this occasion: “Every year, the world celebrates World Telecommunication and Information Society Day on May 17, and the slogan that was launched aims to highlight the effective role of digital innovation in promoting development and sustainable prosperity, and that 70% of According to the International Telecommunication Union, the Sustainable Development Goals can be achieved through digital technologies and innovations, as they contribute to creating new opportunities and horizons in the fields of business, education, health, industry, and other humanitarian activities and events.”
There was also a video speech by the Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union (Doreen Bogdan Martin) about the occasion, in which she addressed the importance of launching this slogan in order to achieve sustainable development. There was also a speech by the Secretary-General of the United Nations (Antonio Guterres) delivered by Dr. Ali Hassan Tarish, and its content revolved around the role The main focus of digital innovation in promoting sustainable development and achieving its goals, and how digital technology can help teachers reach their students, and doctors communicate with their patients, in addition to designing smart transportation systems and sustainable cities, indicating that these innovations cannot be allowed to be limited to rich countries, Developing economies are the ones bearing the brunt of growing inequality, climate change, and environmental poverty, but they often face obstacles that prevent them from obtaining digital technologies that can help them mitigate these challenges, focusing on harnessing artificial intelligence for beneficial purposes and recommendations that call for investment in enabling factors and governance frameworks. Responsible for ensuring that artificial intelligence serves everyone.
The forum included a presentation of the experiences of the university and the students of the Institute of Informatics for Postgraduate Studies. After that, the dialogue session began, which was chaired by Dr. Ali Tarish and included Dr. Haider Hassan Safi, engineer Muhammad Qasim, engineer Ahmed Ezz El-Din, engineer Rafah Hassan, engineer Ali Anwar, Dr. Ammar Al-Ithawi, and engineer Mazen Al-Saad, and their topics were about innovation. And development, which included axes of mechanisms for organizing digital innovation to achieve smart and sustainable development, the role of innovation in achieving sustainable development goals, the challenges of digital innovation between theory and application in Iraqi reality experiences, the importance of measuring innovative performance, ways to advance and innovate the ICT sector in Iraq, and the role of legislation in achieving development. Focused on innovation.