On Thursday morning, 1 September 2022, the University College Students’ Second attempt Examination took place in conjunction with the University’s faculty.
Students of the Faculty of Engineering at all stages conducted second-attempt examinations according to the university schedule, before the rest of the faculties conducted their attendance and electronic exams for their students.
In conjunction with the start of the students’ second attempt examinations, the faculty at the University has started the new school year after summer holiday. More than 140 teachers have resumed their scientific and educational duties in accordance with administrative and legal contexts and times.
Professor Abbas Mohsen Al-Bakri inspected the exam halls at the Faculty of Engineering and urged students and teachers to meet the challenges and assume responsibilities to be successful.
The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research announced the readiness of Iraqi universities for the second-attempt tests indexed in the university calendar for 2022/2021 and the receipt of the new academic year 2023/2022, which will be fully attended in graduate studies in 2022/9/4 and preliminary studies in 2022/10/2, emphasizing the importance of qualitative professional performance and taking into account and enhancing the university’s position on the global competition map and enabling them to produce academic partnerships and keep abreast of scientific developments and updates.