An educational system that seeks to consolidate moral values and useful knowledge.

The College of Engineering at the University of Information and Communications Technology was founded in 2017, comprising of two scientific departments – the Department of Media Technology Engineering and the Department of Communications and Mobile Computing Engineering. The college welcomed around 50 students in its first academic year (2017/2018) through central admission, and this number increased to approximately 70 students at the beginning of the 2018/2019 academic year. The college’s engineering specializations are unique and precise, keeping up with technological advancements in the field of information and communications, setting it apart from other colleges in Iraqi universities. The college’s vision is to produce skilled and innovative engineering professionals who possess self-motivation and ethical values, capable of researching, developing, and keeping up with contemporary technology to serve society. To achieve this vision, the Deanship of the College of Engineering prioritizes correct planning and full preparation, with intensive efforts to obtain academic recognition for its study programs from the American Academic Accreditation Foundation for Engineering and Technology (ABET).

The collage of Engineering was Founded in 2017.

About Us

We Create the perfect Studying experience, Classrooms, and Labs with the best study types of equipment.


Our vision is that the College of Engineering will be in the near future of outstanding engineering colleges by offering a high-quality educational system capable of producing proficient engineers with extensive skills.


The graduation of skilled and innovative engineering cadres required in the labor market have self-motivation and ethical professional values that enable them to research and develop and keep abreast of the technology of the age in order to serve the community.


The objectives of the College are to focus on three main axes: knowledge, skills and behavior.

1- To make the graduate student possess skills and knowledge required in the field of specialization.

2-  Ability to adapt to different work environments through communication skills and the ability to work affirmatively within multidisciplinary teams or independently while performing complex tasks.

3 – The student should be able to integrate academic knowledge with field practice in order to develop the engineering profession within the field of specialization and the framework of social values and professional ethics.

4 – The student should be able to continue to develop his knowledge and skills for life and take advantage of every new in the field of competence.



Media Technology and Communications Engineering


Mobile Communications and Computing Engineering



Extend your classroom discussions with like-minded friends and deepen your social, intellectual, and knowledge by joining our College Living Learning Communities.

Dean’s Message

With the tremendous development of information and communications technologies in our modern era,

concerns have begun to emerge about the disappearance of some traditional jobs from the labor market and the creation of new jobs that are more innovative, inclusive and universal

From this standpoint, the Presidency of the University of Information Technology and Communications (UOITC) has sought to pay attention to the modern competencies that meet the requirements of the labor market.
The Faculty of Engineering at UOITC was established in 2017 to include two scientific departments: Mobile Communications and Computing Department and Media Technology Engineering Department. In its first academic year 2017-2018, the College received about 50 students for the first stage in both departments. At the beginning of the academic year 2018-2019, the turnout on these new departments has increased to about 70 students and we expect the number to increase in the coming years.
The Faculty of Engineering at UOITC is distinguished from the rest of the faculties in the Iraqi universities with the precise and rare engineering disciplines that accompany technological progress in the field of information and communication. In addition, the College looks forward to the graduation of talented and innovative engineering cadres required in the labor market with self-motivation and ethical professional values to enable them to research and develop and keep abreast of the technology of the age in order to serve the community.
In order to achieve this vision, the Deanship of the College of Engineering places its highest priority on proper planning and readiness through intensive efforts to obtain academic recognition of its programs from the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET).

God grants success

Prof. Dr. Mouayad Abdulredha Sahib
The Dean of Engineering College

Build Your Future with us


is to help students to become the persons they always want to be, fill in the community with rich expertise, and lead our country to higher places.