The President of the University, Prof. Dr. Abbas Mohsen Al-Bakri, and the Dean of the College of Engineering, Prof.Dr. Mouayad Abdul Redha Sahib, met with representatives of the students in the departments of Information and Communications Technology Engineering and Communication Engineering and Mobile Computing at the Faculty of Engineering, to listen to the students’ problems as a result of their suffering due to the lack of infrastructure in the building of the college in terms of laboratories, classrooms, and recreational facilities, being unable to accommodate the increasing number of students over the years, in addition to a university campus that accommodates students and their general needs.

This visit came as a result of the students’ sit-in in front of the college building and their strike from attending in-person and electronic lectures, and their appeal to the university presidency to find solutions to these problems.

The President of the University and the Dean of the College were keen to find realistic and feasible solutions in the short term that would alleviate the suffering of students.