Scholarships for Foreign Students

Admission Results for UoITC Scholarship 2023-2024

Announcement / scholarships for foreign students

The University of Information and Communication Technology extends its greetings and wishes to inform you that the application period for the Study in Iraq initiative closed on July 15, 2023.
The admission results (names of accepted students) will be communicated to applicants by August 15, 2023.

It should be noted that our university announced the provision of free scholarships (including tuition fees and housing for students only) with limited seats for Arab and foreign students who want to apply for preliminary studies (Bachelor’s) in its colleges (College of Business Informatics, College of Biomedical Informatics, College of Engineering) knowing that the university does not have an active program For postgraduate studies, the scholarship program begins at the beginning of the academic year 2023-2024.

Applying Conditions

  1. An academic document certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the student’s country and the Iraqi embassy or cultural department in that country.
  2. A passport valid for no less than two years from the date of its initial acceptance.
  3. A non-conviction document attested by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the student’s country and the Iraqi embassy or cultural department in that country.
  4. A health certificate issued by the applicant’s country, attested by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the applicant’s country and the Iraqi embassy or cultural department in that country.
  5. A written undertaking to abide by the laws, regulations, instructions and controls in Iraq
  6. The age of the student applying for study shall not exceed 30 years.
  7. The minimum limits for acceptance are as follows:

A- The engineering group (the departments of Information and Communications Technology Engineering and the Department of Communications and Mobile Computing Engineering) with a rate of 65%.
B_ Scientific group departments (Department of Business Informatics Technology, Department of Informatics Systems Management, Department of Intelligent Medical Systems and Department of Bioinformatics) at a rate of 60%.

For more information, please send an email to the Missions and Cultural Relations Department
[email protected]

Fellowship programs

Foreign Students Scholarship Form