Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Abbas Al-Bakri, UOITC held a lecture on using of IT to obliterate the effects of wars and terrorism on future generations.
The lecturer pointed out that the phenomena of radicalism; violence and international terrorism are the most dangerous challenges that face the world at the present time. They are not confined to a particular geographical region, religion or culture but they are phenomena of global nature since they are known by advanced industrial countries and developing countries as well as suffered by the countries of the Middle East.
Additionally, the lecturer clarified that the phenomenon of terrorism is based on strict ideas that refuse the rules of society and consolidation with it for the purpose of changing. As well as using IT to spread virulent ideas in societies through social media and websites.
At the end of the lecture, an open discussion with different opinions of technology experts took place for the purpose of facing the technological challenges through controlling the suspicious social media and websites to overcome the terrorism electronically. Also, it was agreed to form a specialized committee in the university to clarify the mechanism of confrontation.