According to the mutual request to deepen the relations of academic exchange, a memorandum of agreement has been signed between UOITC and AL Mansour University College (M.U.C.).

The memorandum was signed by President of UOITC Prof. Dr Abbas Mohsen Al-Bakri and Dean of M.U.C. Prof. Dr Abdul Sattar Shaker Suleiman.

The memorandum aims to enhance academic, scientific and research cooperation, as well as mutual understanding between the two parties through exchanging visits of the faculty members and researchers, coordination of expertise exchange programs to propose new specializations and develop joint programs, and enhance scientific collaboration to develop training and continuous education to serve society in general.

The memorandum also includes ways to enhance cooperation in submitting new research projects, cooperation in organizing conferences, seminars and workshops, exchanging knowledge sources and e-learning, in addition to cooperation in developing academic programs, plans, and curricula, and encouraging the benefit from the scientific and academic expertise between the two parties.

According to the memorandum, joint working teams would be formed to upgrade software programs and to develop and maintain operating systems, cooperation concerning the postgraduate studies in addition to summer training of preliminary studies, and finally, nominating experts to be members in the Scientific Promotion Committee.