The College of Biomedical Informatics held a virtual workshop entitled: “Fundamental of Matlab and Application

It was given by ( Assist. Inst. Ghosoun Saeed Abd and Assist Inst. Zina Mohsin Arka).

The symposium touched on the definition of Matlab language and the most important areas of its use as one of the high-level programming languages, which is an interactive environment relied upon in developing algorithms and performing data analysis and is also an integral part in creating applications and models, and provides the user with a set of mathematical tools and functions that help in finding quick solutions By relying on spreadsheets or even traditional programming languages, most notably C and JAVA, the area of ​​its use increases among programmers of control systems, computational biological and other fields. The workshop dealt with the most important features of Matlab and how to take advantage of the capabilities of this system in scientific and engineering applications.