The Psychological Guidance and Educational Counseling Department organized an online seminar on “Drugs and Their Impact on Society.”
The seminar primarily addressed the impact of drugs on the youth and how this phenomenon affects society through the spread of negative behaviors and harmful actions resulting from drug use. It provided a detailed explanation of the factors that drive young people to engage in drug use, as well as the negative effects on mental and physical health and the overall fabric of society.
The seminar was presented by Nidal Kamar Al-Abadi, head of the Psychological Guidance and Educational Counseling Department, and managed by an assistant. Lec. Yasser Majid Darjal. The seminar highlighted several recommendations to enhance awareness of the dangers of drugs and intensify psychological and educational guidance to curb their spread. It emphasized the importance of the roles played by families, schools, universities, and media in building awareness among youth and encouraging them to avoid this scourge.