The University of Information Technology and Communications celebrated the seventh anniversary of Victory Day over ISIS gangs. During the commemoration of this occasion, the University and its colleges performed a demonstration in which Iraqi flags were raised, and songs and words sang of love for the homeland and defense of this land. For his part, the President of the University, Prof. Dr. Abbas Mohsen Al-Bakri, offered congratulations on this occasion and behalf of all the University’s formations, and thanks and gratitude for all the sacrifices of the martyrs and the wounded from our security forces of all kinds and the authentic Iraqi tribes, in which the epics of glory and pride were written with the pure blood of the martyrs. He added that this historic victory reflects the will of a steadfast people, the strength of a nation, and the sacrifices of an army that refused to surrender to obscurantism and terrorism represented by the terrorist organization ISIS, and with its immortal stances charted the path to freedom and peace. At the end of the celebration, the celebrants wished that the blessing of safety and security would continue to be upon us and that we would draw inspiration from this great anniversary the meanings of unity and determination to continue building our dear homeland, and every year, our Iraq is prosperous.