The Center for Continuing Education at our university announces the reception of applicants to take the Iraqi National Unified English Language Test (INELT), which has become one of the requirements for applying for postgraduate studies within Iraq.
The test takes place at two times per day, the first one at eleven in the morning and the second at one in the afternoon during the test days (Monday and Wednesday of each week).

Those wishing to take the test can make the online reservation process via the link below.

The Center would also like to provide the applicants with some instructions, including:

1- The location of the Continuing Education Center is on the M floor of the headquarters of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research on Al-Nidal Street near the White Palace.
2- The test fee is 50,000 in the case of the first attempt and 25,000 in other cases.
3- The reservation will be canceled if the test subscription amount is not paid until the hour before the test.
4- The possibility of booking on the day of the test and one hour before it is conducted (after canceling the reservation of those who paid late or were not present).
5- It is not permissible to delay more than 15 minutes from the start time of the test.
6- The center is not obligated to return the amount for the test in the event of a delay of more than 15 minutes or in the event of not coming to the center for the test.
7- The test date will be on Monday and Wednesday of each week and in two sessions, the first at 11 am and the second at 1 pm.
Below is the link for electronic booking.
Note that the Center for Continuing Education holds several courses, including Arabic language and computer courses and tests.