The Institute of Informatics for Graduate Studies at the University of Information Technology and Communications hosted the Associate Professor and Coordinator of the Master’s Course in Information Technology from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology at the Asia-Pacific International College (APIC), Prof. Uday Dakhel Hassan Jerio.

Jerio gave a lecture entitled “Reinforcement Learning for Network Performance Improvement in Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks”

which discussed the topic of reinforcing learning to improve network performance in mobile wireless sensor networks.

The visiting professor was received by the President of the University, Prof. Abbas Mohsen Al-Bakri, the Dean of the Institute of Informatics for Graduate Studies, Prof. Suha Muhammad Hadi, and a number of the Institute’s instructors and students.

At the end of the lecture, the Informatics Institute shield was presented as an expression of thanks and gratitude to the visiting professor for his presence and presentation of a valuable scientific lecture.