The University of Information Technology and Communications has handed over the digital Quran recitation project to the holy Abbasid shrine after completing the design and programming of the website and creating the dedicated application for the recitation project.

The handover ceremony took place at the holy Abbassy shrine, attended by the university president, Prof. Dr. Abbas Mohsen Al-Bakri, his administrative assistant, Prof. Dr. Mahdi Nasif Jassim, and the university’s programing team. The representative from the holy Abbassy shrine was the Deputy Secretary-General, Engineer Abbas Mousa Ahmed, along with the scientific assistant of the Scientific Complex for the Quran, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lwa Abdul Hassan Atiyah.

Ahmed expressed his gratitude and appreciation to the University of Information Technology and Communications for establishing such an important project, which is the first of its kind in Iraq.

For his part, Dr. Al-Bakri expressed the university’s readiness to provide various digital services to enhance the country’s services across different fields, noting that the Quran recitation project was completed by a specialized team at the university. This initiative enriches Quranic work and keeps pace with technological advancements, utilizing digital life to benefit those engaged in Quranic affairs in terms of improving reading, recitation, and memorization.

Dr. Al-Bakri praised the significant role played by the holy Abbassy shrine in providing various services to Iraqi society in particular and the Islamic world in general.