Dear ladies and gentlemen, university professors
My dear daughters and sons, students
Peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you..
On the occasion of the start of the new academic year (2024-2025), I am pleased to offer you the most beautiful and sincere words of welcome, perfumed with feelings of happiness to meet you again after the end of your summer vacation, may it be a happy and beneficial vacation for you.
Dear students at all stages of your undergraduate and graduate studies, I address you today with a sense of responsibility, considering you the nucleus of the educational process, the builders of the future, and the primary beneficiaries of the success of the efforts made by the university for you and in your path. I call on you to persevere and to be characterized by good morals that are appropriate to your scientific and cognitive level. I hope that you will facilitate the task of the professors and administrators at the university and its colleges who work for your success in your academic journey. I also hope that you will not make mere success a goal in itself, but rather the ultimate goal is excellence and superiority and setting a good example for future generations. Here, I call on the university staff, professors, technicians, and administrators, to redouble their efforts in order to advance our university and bring it to the ranks of advanced universities at the local and Arab levels, and even at the regional and international levels. Our society is going through difficulties today that we must overcome together, and it is waiting for you to embrace this important segment of its students, and guide them scientifically, educationally and morally in order to build an active generation in its society capable of leading society in the future. I have full confidence in your scientific and educational capabilities to spread knowledge and virtue among our students, in a way that enhances the spirit of belonging to the country in general and the university in particular, and your readiness to make efforts to serve the country and the university.

Prof. Dr. Abbas Mohsen Al-Bakri
President of the University of Information Technology and Communications
September 16, 2024