In the presence of a number of employees of government institutions, the Continuous Education Department at UoITC organized a training course on the foundations of statistical data work. The course aims to shed light on the most important basic rules in statistics, as it addresses several topics, including identifying the types of statistics and types of data in various specializations. The course aims to shed light on the most important basic rules in statistics, as it addresses several topics, including identifying the types of statistics and types of data in various specializations. The course was presented by the lecturer at the College of Business Informatics Dr. Zainab Faleh Hamza. She focused on how to classify statistical data within the study sample, the basic rules when designing the questionnaire, and the method of analyzing it scientifically and statistically using the SPSS program and the statistical tests used according to the study population.
A Training Course on the Foundations of Statistical data work
By Safaa Jawad|2024-11-12T19:42:43+03:0012/11/2024|Continuous Education Center, Home|Comments Off on A Training Course on the Foundations of Statistical data work