The Lecturer at the College of Engineering / Department of Communications Engineering and Mobile Computing Asst. Lect. Hadeel Sadiq Obaid published a joint research on Wireless Antennas entitled: “A Miniaturization of the UWB Monopole Antenna for Wireless Baseband Transmission”.
The joint research with a group of researchers from the microwave research team at the University of Mosul and Al-Isra’a University refers to the scientific and research cooperation between the University of Information Technology and Communications and other Iraqi universities, as the research was published in the journal “Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences” indexed under the Scopus classification of international journals.
In this research, a new antenna “UWB Monopole Antenna” was introduced with an improved bandwidth and a small size (22 * 20 * 1.6 mm3).
The proposed antenna gives the bandwidth more than 120% (2.4 – 9.6 GHz), and has a Voltage Standing Wave of less than 2 and a peak gain (2.3 dBi).