The Continuing Education Center at the University of Information and Communication Technology held a workshop entitled (Highlights on the Iraqi University Service Law) No. 23 of 2008 and its amendments.
The workshop was presented by the lecturer at the university, Dr. Mohamed Abdel Aziz Professor of Private International Law and Dr. Narges Mohammed Sultan Professor of Civil Law at the Iraqi University / College of Law and Political Science, During which the most important details of the University Service Law were discussed to educate employees and faculty members in universities of various disciplines of their rights and obligations in accordance with the University Service Law. In addition to discussing the legal protection provided by the legislator to the university service employee and the university’s responsibility in confronting it, as the University Service Law addressed the holders of scientific titles and employees, He also set allocations for sabbatical and scientific title with a statement of the employee’s entitlement to leave and its provisions to ensure the progress of the educational process, This law also clarified the method of selecting the head of the department in the colleges in accordance with certain controls and in accordance with the instructions for selecting the head of the department No. 43 of 1999.