The University of Information and Communication Technology (UOITC ) is issuing its training curriculum for the second half of 2018

The Center of Continuing Education at the University of Information and Communication Technology has issued its training curriculum for the second half of 2018.

The curriculum includes training courses in many areas, including software, networks, computer basics, statistics, administration, site design, project management, etc. The curriculum also includes a large number of long courses, ranging from 25-30 days, including the computer training course and a professional course for engineering design, Data, courses for students who wish to apply for graduate studies, web design, operating systems, computer networks, multimedia courses and graphics as well as computer maintenance and other miscellaneous courses.

The applicant must have the necessary scientific background and experience on the subject of the course he wishes to participate in, and the nomination for the training course before an appropriate period of time to identify the numbers of participants and the preparation of the requirements for the course and other conditions, which can be found details through the website of the University of Information Technology ( or contact the Department of Continuing Education at the university ( or call (07811887211).

These courses, which are prepared by the university as a form of communication and provide services to provide institutions and government departments wishing to nominate their employees and introduce them in advanced training courses to accomplish the tasks and duties that are assigned to the mute face as well as the speed and ease that will appear on the work through the electronic service provided by those institutions And departments for beneficiaries and customers.

To download training curriculum for the second half of 2018 please click here.