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So far nabaa has created 402 blog entries.

The President of the University participates in the European Asian Summit for Higher Education in Turkey

The President of the University (Prof. Dr. Abbas Mohsen Al-Bakri) [...]

By |2022-11-21T11:18:45+03:0026/02/2020|Home|Comments Off on The President of the University participates in the European Asian Summit for Higher Education in Turkey

The College of Medical Informatics organizes a course in thr Fundamentals of Python Language

The College of Medical Informatics, in cooperation with the College [...]

By |2022-11-21T11:23:10+03:0025/02/2020|College of Engineering, College of Medical Informatics, Home|Comments Off on The College of Medical Informatics organizes a course in thr Fundamentals of Python Language

University faculty participate in the evaluation of scientific research at the scientific conference at the University of Essex in Britain

A number of University of Information Technology and Communications teachers [...]

By |2022-11-21T11:43:24+03:0024/02/2020|Home|Comments Off on University faculty participate in the evaluation of scientific research at the scientific conference at the University of Essex in Britain

he university held an awareness seminar about the Corona virus … risks and ways to prevent it

The Department of Media and Public Relations at the University, [...]

By |2022-11-21T12:11:35+03:0017/02/2020|Home|Comments Off on he university held an awareness seminar about the Corona virus … risks and ways to prevent it

The “Knowledge Forum” is the name of competition held by the department of students activities in the UOITC presidency.

The competition includes mindworks, culture, and knowledge activities. Students from [...]

By |2022-11-21T12:06:44+03:0017/02/2020|College of Engineering, College of Medical Informatics, Home|Comments Off on The “Knowledge Forum” is the name of competition held by the department of students activities in the UOITC presidency.
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