The University of Information Technology and Communications has hold a bilateral scientific cooperation agreement with the Baghdad College of Economic Sciences University, within the framework of establishing and developing joint cooperation.

The agreement was signed between the President of the University of Information Technology and Communications, Prof. Dr. Abbas Mohsen Al-Bakri, and the Dean of the Baghdad College of Economic Sciences University, Prof. Dr. Qasim Nayef Al-Mahyawi.

The agreement between the University and the College aimed to advance the scientific status and establish joint cooperation between educational institutions, and the terms of the agreement included attention to several axes, including (teaching, scientific research, student activities, management, career development and organizational matters).

The teaching axis included cooperation in developing study plans and curricula, developing the skills of teachers and technicians, cooperation in the field of summer training, supervising graduation projects for students of the final stages, cooperation in the field of e-learning and the exchange of teachers and technicians in accordance with the regulations.

While the scientific research axis in the agreement focused on conducting joint research, evaluating research as well as holding and participating in scientific conferences, joint supervision and discussions for Postgraduate students, in addition to cooperation in the scientific promotion committees after obtaining official approvals, and the possibility of using specialized laboratories and using paper and electronic resources and books, scientific journals, publication of faculty research, cooperation in the field of continuous education and community service, and holding of joint scientific workshops and seminars.

The student activities axis also included scientific visits for students, cooperation in sports activities, and holding art exhibitions, and the management and career development axis also included cooperation in holding joint courses for the development of teachers and staff, cooperation in the field of laboratory quality and reliability of a good laboratory, and the preparation of various electronic programs according to work requirements.