The second meeting of the Industrial Advisory Council of the University of Information Technology and Communications was held at the university, chaired by the President of the University, the Chairman of the Council, and in the presence of scientific and administrative assistants and deans of colleges. The expert is Dr. Nabil Ibrahim from the Ministry of Communications and Dr. Ammar Muwafaq from the Communications and Media Commission.
Several topics were discussed, including focusing on the importance of the Council’s role in developing the relationship between the university and industrial institutions related to the specializations that fall within the framework of the specializations in which the university’s colleges are interested. Some experiences in developed world countries and the industry’s role in providing training opportunities and the necessary laboratories to conduct research were reviewed.
The attendees also focused on the importance of the participation of specialists in the industrial and business sectors in providing universities with the specialized expertise they have accumulated through seminars and lectures. It is necessary to distinguish between the reality of the work of industrial advisory councils at the university level and at the college level and the possibility of approaching some ministries and the business sector to nominate new candidates instead of those who had previously passed. Even if they were nominated because of their lack of interaction with the Council.