Meeting of the Governmental Program Committee at the University

The committee of the governmental program met at the UOITC under the chairmanship of the Dr. Jane J. Stephan assistant of university president for scientific affairs.
The meeting, which is the third after forming this committee, many subjects and projects have been discussed related to the governmental program of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and its offices to achieve the desired goals that include involving the Iraqi universities in international classifications, real twinning with international universities, reducing slackness and spreading academy impressions and raising the scientific level and other goals commissioned to be followed by the ministry departments and universities.

The meeting of the UOITC Committee focused on the necessity of forming other supporting committees from the faculties of BIC and college of engineering , as well as specifying a date for holding a workshop in the presence of all committees in order to achieve the points related to the work of the university.

They also discussed the subject of selective courses system and the possibility of inserting the university in the (RUR) rank and attempting to have a piece of land for the university and other topics.