Based on the directives of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the Continuing Education Center at the University of Information and Communication Technology completed the third training course for the University Leadership Development and Qualification Program and Human Resources (Legal Skills Pillar).

The course lasted five days from 18- 22/6/2023 and was attended by a number of officials of departments, divisions and units at the university and its faculties, who received scientific training

The course was presented by Dr. Mohamed Abdel Aziz Jabr and Assistant Lecturer Ahmed Mutashar Nehme from the University of Information and Communication Technology.

The course dealt with many topics related to the legal aspects in government institutions, such as introducing the law of discipline of state employees and the rights, duties and prohibitions that an employee must know in any institution. Explanation of the University Service and Civil Service Law, Finally, introducing the Intellectual Property Protection Law and its consequences.

The course concluded with the performance of the test for the participants in the presence of members of the supervising committee to see closely the reality of the third development course for university leaders and human resources.