Continuing Education organizes a seminar on gas emissions and global warming

The Continuing Education Center at the university organized a vetual [...]

By |2022-10-22T21:55:52+03:0017/10/2022|Continuous Education Center, Home|Comments Off on Continuing Education organizes a seminar on gas emissions and global warming

Deans of Business Informatics and Biomedical Informatics participated in meeting of deans of IT colleges

The Dean of the Faculty of Business Informatics, prof. dr. [...]

By |2022-10-22T21:50:38+03:0017/10/2022|Home|Comments Off on Deans of Business Informatics and Biomedical Informatics participated in meeting of deans of IT colleges

The university completes the study of its buildings within the project to support energy and reduce emissions

The University of Information Technology and Communications has completed the [...]

By |2023-12-27T12:32:11+03:0009/10/2022|Community, Home|Comments Off on The university completes the study of its buildings within the project to support energy and reduce emissions

Quality Assurance holds a workshop on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

The Department of Quality Assurance and University Performance at the [...]

By |2024-01-06T19:13:23+03:0005/10/2022|Home, Quality Assurance|Comments Off on Quality Assurance holds a workshop on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Biomedical Informatics College receives the Committee of the Renewable Energy Directorate

A committee of the Renewable Energy Directorate of the Ministry [...]

By |2024-01-06T19:15:30+03:0026/09/2022|College of Medical Informatics, Home|Comments Off on Biomedical Informatics College receives the Committee of the Renewable Energy Directorate

The Ministry of the Interior is discussing with the University of Information Technology joint cooperation

The Ministry of Interior and the University of Information Technology [...]

By |2022-10-30T23:07:25+03:0014/09/2022|Community, Home|Comments Off on The Ministry of the Interior is discussing with the University of Information Technology joint cooperation
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