Engineering organizes a workshop on the importance of practical research and its role in developing societies

The Faculty of Engineering at the University of Information Technology [...]

By |2024-12-01T12:20:04+03:0030/11/2024|College of Engineering, Home|Comments Off on Engineering organizes a workshop on the importance of practical research and its role in developing societies

UoITC’s President Participates in the Activities of the 3rd International Conference of Imam Al-Kadhim College

The President of the University of Information Technology and Communications, [...]

By |2024-12-01T11:36:08+03:0028/11/2024|Home|Comments Off on UoITC’s President Participates in the Activities of the 3rd International Conference of Imam Al-Kadhim College

The University concludes the fourth stage of the ability building program with a training workshop on the data quality document

The Continuous Education Department at the University of Information Technology [...]

By |2024-12-01T09:37:06+03:0027/11/2024|Home|Comments Off on The University concludes the fourth stage of the ability building program with a training workshop on the data quality document

Training Course on Financial Skills and Government Accounting Procedures

Training Course on Financial Skills and Government Accounting Procedures The [...]

By |2024-11-24T12:07:08+03:0021/11/2024|Continuous Education Center, Home|Comments Off on Training Course on Financial Skills and Government Accounting Procedures

A Doctoral Dissertation Discusses “Developing a precise positioning mechanism for wireless sensor networks”

The doctoral dissertation of student Sufyan Muhammad Tariq was discussed [...]

By |2024-11-24T22:03:55+03:0020/11/2024|Home, Informatics Institute for Postgraduate Studies|Comments Off on A Doctoral Dissertation Discusses “Developing a precise positioning mechanism for wireless sensor networks”

Discussion of Master’s Thesis on Image Analysis Based on Deep Learning

The master's thesis of student Akram Kazem Moshait was discussed [...]

By |2024-11-24T11:35:05+03:0020/11/2024|Home, Informatics Institute for Postgraduate Studies|Comments Off on Discussion of Master’s Thesis on Image Analysis Based on Deep Learning

The University hosts the Prime Minister’s Advisor for Scientific Affairs and Artificial Intelligence

The President of the University, Prof. Dr. Abbas Mohsen Al-Bakri, [...]

By |2024-11-24T11:28:04+03:0019/11/2024|Home|Comments Off on The University hosts the Prime Minister’s Advisor for Scientific Affairs and Artificial Intelligence

The Informatics Institute Participates in the Iraqi Digital Space Forum

The Dean of the University's Institute of Informatics for Postgraduate [...]

By |2024-11-24T10:37:09+03:0019/11/2024|Home, Informatics Institute for Postgraduate Studies|Comments Off on The Informatics Institute Participates in the Iraqi Digital Space Forum
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