
تعلن جامعة تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات عن أن التقديم للمنصة الدراسية ضمن برنامج (ادرس في العراق) للعام الدراسي 2024-2025 سيكون متاحاً اعتباراً من 1 / 4 / 2024 ولغاية 15 / 8 / 2024 للطلبة العرب والأجانب عن طريق الرابط ادناه
لتحميل خطة جامعة تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات للعام 2024- 2025… اضغط هنا لتحميل دليل برنامج دراسة العراق… اضغط هنا.

The University of Information Technology and Communications announces that applications for the study platform within the (Study in Iraq) program for the academic year 2024-2025 will be available from 4/1/2024 until 8/15/2024 for Arab and foreign students via the link below..
To download the University of Information Technology and Communications plan for the year 2024-2025… Click Here
To download the Iraq Study Program Guide… Click Here.
Latest News
Program Specification MCCE Department
Discover the future of TV with OLED technology
The description of this academic program provides a brief summary of the main characteristics of the program and of the expected learning outcomes of the student to demonstrate whether he has made the best use of the opportunities available. It is accompanied by a description of each course within the program
Self-Study Report
We Create the perfect Studying experience
Classrooms and Labs with the best study types of equipment.